Oggettistica e piccoli complementi – inglese

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FloorEver™ is an eco-friendly pre-finished parquet collection. The wood is cut from sustainably managed forests; the adhesives, paints and all other materials employed in the production process have no environmental impact, as required by law.
Indeed, it is only by knowing and respecting the nature of each wood essence that it’s possible to create high quality products that stand the test of time. Through artisanal prowess and state-of-the-art technology we provide the best solution for wood flooring for every kind of environment: FloorEver™.


FloorEver™ flooring can be either installed directly over the subfloor or with a floating installation method.
The upper part of the parquet board is covered with precious woods with an exquisite finishing touch that aesthetically matches the surrounding environment.
The lower part is made of a multi ply birch plywood and is glued with a highly moisture resistant adhesive to the upper part, providing a stable and solid base that is resistant to humidity and temperature changes.


There’s wood, and then there’s Our wood

The wide range of precious essences, finishes and treatments we offer allows for endless aesthetical possibilities that can match every furnishing style. Due to our efforts towards ecological protection we tend to prefer European woods.


Flexibility and efficiency are the key words in our line of work: we follow every step of the parquet production process, from the production of finished materials to its installation and maintenance, always ready to assist our clients with expert consultancy in order to find the most ideal solution for every situation.
Our company is also specialized in the renovation of historical buildings (such as palaces and museums), as well as recreating antique floorings, using reclaimed antique woods from our Vintage collection.


All FloorEver™ products are made of 100% recyclable real wood cut from sustainably managed forests. Both the production and flooring processes are handled with care and attention towards health and environment.
The R&D department of FloorEver™ works every day to develop new technologies that can lower the usage of hazardous materials.